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Keypad – Digital

Master Code = 999999 is the default factory master code

PIN = any four digits between 0000 & 9999 with the exception of 1234 which is reserved

User ID Number = any number between 1 & 2000

Important: if entering a number of different Pin Numbers into the keypad, it’s advisable to record the ‘User ID Number’ that matches to your ‘Pin Number’. If you need to delete a Pin Number in the furture you will need the User ID Number to remove it. If you fail to record these numbers then you will need to wipe all keypad numbers and start again.

We only recommend changing the factory master code (999999) to a secure code which you must make note of if you require extra security. Failing to make note of your new master code will prevent you from being able to add or delete pin codes in the future. You would then be require to perform the ‘reset’.

How to change your master code

  1. Press *
  2. Master Code (999999) #
  3. 0
  4. New Code # New Code #
  5. New code can ber 6 to 8 digits

We only recommend doing this if you require the extra security.
Be sure to keep this code.

How to delete a pin code

  1. Press *
  2. Master Code (factory 999999) #
  3. 2
  4. User ID number # * *

Note: if you have forgotten your User ID Number, then you will need to delete everything stored in the keypad

How to enter a new pin code

  1. Press *
  2. Master Code (factory 999999) #
  3. 1
  4. User ID number (pick from 1 up to 2000) #
  5. PIN (0000 up to 9999) # * *

How to enter a new pin code – EXAMPLE

  1. Press *
  2. 999999 #
  3. 1
  4. 100#
  5. 2468 # * * (2468 is now your new pin)

Set a delay time

  1. Press *
  2. Master Code (factory 999999) #
  3. 4
  4. Select from 0 – 99 sec # * *

Delete all keypad pin codes

  1. Press *
  2. Master Code (factory 999999) #
  3. 2
  4. 0000 # *

Reset to Factory Default

  1. Disconnect power from the unit
  2. Press and hold the # key whilst power the unit back up
  3. On hearing ‘didi’ release the # key, system is now back to factory settings

How to enter in a new pin code on your Keypad

Wiring Diagrams

Current models

DACE Ultima
Control Board

E8 – EGA Swing
Control Board

Discontinued models

E8 – D1 Swing
Control Board

DACE Sprint/Condo
Control Board

AC LW550
Control Board